Your Complete Guide to Glass Table Tops

Glass table tops are a beautiful addition to any room, offering both elegance and functionality. Whether you're looking to protect a wooden dining table or add a sleek surface to your living area, understanding the ins and outs of glass table tops is essential. 

This guide explains everything from thickness to types of glass, ensuring you make an informed choice that complements your space perfectly.

How Thick Should a Glass Table Top Be?

The optimal thickness of a glass table top varies by its size and use. For small tables, 1/4 inch thickness is typically sufficient. Medium tables do well with 3/8 inch, while large or heavily used tables should consider 1/2 to 3/4 inch thickness for enhanced durability and safety.

The choice of thickness should also consider the table's base type, expected load, and whether it will be used as a protector or a standalone surface. Thicker glass offers more strength and stability but comes at a higher cost and increased weight.

How Do I Know What Glass To Choose For My Table Top?

Each type of glass has its unique benefits, from the safety features of tempered glass to the decorative appeal of frosted or tinted glass. Your choice of glass for your table top will depend on your specific needs, including aesthetics, safety, and maintenance.

Clear glass is popular for its versatile aesthetic, but it may show every fingerprint and speck of dust. Low-iron glass offers a clearer option with minimal tint. Tempered glass, treated for safety and strength, is ideal for areas where accidents might occur, shattering into safer, smaller pieces. Frosted and tinted glasses provide privacy and style, suitable for different decor needs.

Can I Customise My Glass Table Top?

Yes, you can customise your glass table top to fit your space and style perfectly. There are a wide range of customisation options, allowing you to select not only the shape of the glass but also the edge detailing and finish. Whether your preference leans towards a classic round edge for a timeless look, a contemporary bevelled edge for added dimension, or a completely custom shape to match your unique design vision, there's flexibility to ensure your needs are met.

When it comes to edge and finish options, the choices expand even further. Edges can be polished to achieve a smooth and sleek appearance, or they can be bevelled to introduce an element of style and sophistication.

Additionally, finishes play a significant role in the overall look and functionality of your glass table top. Options like frosted glass can offer a diffused appearance, perfect for adding privacy or reducing glare, while textured glass adds a tactile element that can elevate the aesthetic appeal of your space. These customisation possibilities ensure that every detail of your glass table top can be tailored to meet your specific requirements and preferences.

If you are looking to bring a personalised touch to your glass table top, Cameo Glass are experts in custom-made glass table tops. Contact us to explore how we can bring your bespoke vision to life.

What Is The Difference Between Tempered and Annealed Glass?

The main difference between tempered and annealed glass lies in their strength and safety features.

Tempered glass is treated to increase its strength and safety, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas and situations where safety is a paramount concern. It is designed to shatter into small, blunt pieces that are less likely to cause injury, making it highly recommended for households with children or pets, or for tables that will endure heavy use

On the other hand, annealed glass is a basic glass that hasn't been strengthened through thermal or chemical treatments, making it less expensive but also less durable and safe compared to tempered glass.

Should I Choose Tempered or Annealed Glass?

When deciding which type to choose, consider the environment where the glass will be used.

For areas prone to accidents or where safety is a top priority, tempered glass is the better option due to its enhanced durability and safety features. It is especially suited for outdoor tables, dining areas, and anywhere that glass breakage poses a risk.

Meanwhile, annealed glass may be suitable for less exposed locations where the risk of impact or temperature stress is minimal. 

However, for any surface that might experience frequent use or where safety cannot be compromised, investing in tempered glass is advisable to ensure longevity and prevent potential injuries.

Measuring and Installing Glass Tabletops

Measuring your table accurately is crucial for a proper fit. Measure the length, width, and consider any desired overhang. For unique shapes or bases, additional measurements may be needed to ensure the glass sits correctly.

Clean the surface thoroughly before installation and consider using rubber or silicone pads to prevent the glass from sliding. For glass table tops sitting on pedestals or frames, ensure the support is evenly distributed to avoid stress and potential damage.

If you're hesitant to tackle the measuring and installation on your own due to concerns about potential errors, reach out to Cameo Glass. Our expertise ensures a flawless fit and finish of glass table tops.

How To Maintain Glass Table Tops

Maintaining glass table tops involves regular cleaning with a soft cloth and non-abrasive cleaner, using coasters and placements and regularly inspecting for signs of wear or damage

Gentle Cleaning Techniques

  • To maintain the sparkling appearance of your glass table tops, regular cleaning with a soft cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner is essential.
  • For everyday dust and fingerprints, a microfiber cloth with water is sufficient. 
  • For more stubborn stains, a mixture of water and mild detergent or vinegar offers an effective, glass-safe solution. 
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive tools that can scratch or etch the glass surface.

Dealing with Stains and Spills

Immediately address spills and stains to prevent them from setting in. A diluted vinegar solution can break down grease and grime without damaging the glass. Rinse with clean water and dry with a lint-free cloth to prevent water spots.

Using Coasters and Placemats

To safeguard your glass table tops from scratches and heat damage, use coasters under beverages and placemats or trivets under hot dishes and cookware. These simple accessories can prevent permanent marks and scratches, preserving the pristine condition of the glass.

Preventing Scratches

Place felt pads under decorative items or anything that might be moved frequently. Avoid sliding objects across the glass surface, as even small particles trapped underneath can cause scratches.

Checking for Wear and Tear

Periodically inspect your glass table tops for any signs of wear, such as chips, cracks, or deep scratches. Spotting these early allows for timely repairs or adjustments, preventing minor damage from becoming major issues.

Addressing Detected Issues

If you find damage, assess whether it can be safely smoothed out or if the glass needs to be replaced. In some cases, professional help may be required to restore the integrity and appearance of the glass.

Minimising UV Exposure

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can affect certain types of glass. To prevent discoloration or weakening, consider placing your table out of direct sunlight or using UV-protective window treatments.

Protecting from Extreme Temperatures

Avoid placing hot items directly on the glass and keep the glass away from extreme cold, which can cause thermal shock and cracking. Using placemats, trivets, and adhering to temperature precautions can protect your table top from thermal damage.

By incorporating these maintenance tips into your routine, you can ensure that your glass table tops remain a clear, clean, and stunning part of your home’s décor for years to come.


How do I choose the right thickness for my glass table top?

Select based on table size and use: 1/4 inch for small tables, 3/8 inch for medium, and 1/2 to 3/4 inch for large or heavily used tables.

Can tempered glass be cut or drilled?

No, modifications to tempered glass must be made before the tempering process.

How do I prevent my glass table top from sliding?

Use rubber or silicone pads beneath the glass to increase friction and prevent movement.

Is it necessary to cover a wood dining table with glass?

While not necessary, a glass cover can protect the wood from damage, extending its lifespan and maintaining its appearance.

Can I use regular glass cleaner on my glass table top?

Yes, but for the best care, use a mild detergent or vinegar solution and avoid abrasive cleaners to prevent scratches.

Cameo Glass 

If you are looking to glass table top to your home or office, Cameo Glass is here to help. We offer sophisticated, contemporary glass table tops to help revitalise any space.

Whether you are in need of a glass table top for an office work table featuring your brand's logo, a contemporary kitchen table, or a stylish side table for your bedroom, Cameo Glass is here to bring your vision to life.

Here at Cameo Glass, we pride ourselves on providing products that are perfectly aligned with our clients preferences. Whatever that may be, we are here to listen and ensure that our glass table tops are created to meet your exact specifications.

We offer readily available, standardised glass table tops or get in touch with us to explore customised options tailored just for you.

Reach out to us at 01793 513864 or complete an online contact form today.

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