Advantages of a Glass Floor Feature in Your Property

The development of toughened glass has opened up endless creative possibilities within architecture. Cameo Glass are experts in the creation of this versatile product, always ensuring the highest quality and safety standards for each of our customers. Today we will be reviewing the numerous reasons why installing a walk-on glass floor is a great choice for your home or business.

Let There Be Light

The reflective qualities of glass allow light to bounce around the room and illuminate any dark or gloomy areas. Perfect for lower levels such as basements or windowless rooms, you can truly make the most of your home by opening up space and creating a sense of unity and connection between rooms. Increasing the flow of natural light is also extremely beneficial to the senses and will positively boost the mindset of your family and colleagues.

For an element of privacy whilst still retaining that light and open feeling, why not consider sandblasting your floor? Take a look at our blog post on sand blasted glass to find out more about this interesting technique.

Beautiful Aesthetics

A glass floor looks truly stunning in any setting; aesthetically inviting, you can add LED lighting to make a truly eye-catching feature. Whether your workplace or home is an older property or somewhere more contemporary, you can accent a room with just a single pane or by replacing the entire floor. Here at Cameo Glass our highly skilled staff can create any shape or size of glass needed, ensuring it is completely safe to walk on and easy to maintain.

Be Kind to Your Pocket and the Environment

The need for artificial lighting during the day will significantly reduce as more natural light permeates the room. A glass floor is also extremely effective at retaining heat and therefore reducing your energy consumption. An all round winner, your floor will be cost effective on your energy bills and more environmentally friendly. Good for the conscience and the bank statement!

Contact Us

Choosing to install a glass floor in your home can seem like a scary prospect, but have no fear as our experts are here to guide you through the process from start to finish. Just get in touch with the team at Cameo Glass to find out more by either calling us on 01793 513864 or filling out our online contact form.

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